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№ 4(48) • 2013



Optimization of Natural Resources Development: Theory and Practice

The South Falkland Basin: New Data on Deep Geophysical Inhomogeneities and Oil and Gas Potential (Based on Remote Sensing and Geoelectric Results)
(Levashov S.P., Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N.,Pischany Yu.M., Bakhmutov V.G., Solovyov V. D., Bozhezha D.N.)




Geological-Geophysical and Mathematical Methods and Modern
Computer Technologies for Earth Research




Geoinformation Aspects of Natural Resources Management


Registration and Anlisis of Natural and Man-Made Seismic Events  in Krivoy Rog
(Shcherbina S.V., Pigulevskij P.I., Gurova I.Yu., Kalinichenko O.A.)

