Geoinformatika 2014; 4(52) : 5-29 (in Russian)
S.P. Levashov1,2, N.A. Yakymchuk1,2, I.N. Korchagin3, D.N. Bozhezha2
1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, Laboratorny lane, 1, Kyiv 01133, Ukraine
2Management and Marketing Center of Institute of Geological Science NAS Ukraine, Laboratorny lane, 1, Kyiv 01133, Ukraine
3Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science, Palladin Ave., 32, Kiev 03680, Ukraine, e-mail:
Purpose. Exploring the possibility of mobile and operational geophysical technologies using for the detection and mapping within the shale spreading areas of local areas with increased concentrations of hydrocarbon accumulations (oil, gas and gas condensate), within which the industrial (commercial) inflows of hydrocarbons can be obtained from boreholes. Experimental studies conducting within shale complexes spreading in Ukraine, Poland, Romania, Lithuania and England.
Design/methodology/approach. Experiments were carried out with the mobile technology of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation of remote sensing data using, which is the “direct” method of oil and gas exploration and operates within the “substantial” paradigm of geophysical investigations [17]. The technologies and methods, developed on the principles of this paradigm, are aimed at the searching a particular (desired in each case) substance – oil, gas, condensate, gold, zinc, uranium, etc.
Findings. The anomalous zones of the “reservoir of gas” (“gas, oil”) type were detected and mapped within the surveyed license blocks. Parameters of many anomalous zones (areas and maximum estimates of fluid pressure in the reservoirs) allow us to classify them as promising objects, the probability of industrial (commercial) HC inflows from which is relatively high. The observed anomalies should be considered as priority local areas for detailed study by geophysical methods and drilling. This is essentially the “Sweet spots” zones. The received estimates of maximum values of reservoir pressure within the observed anomalous zones vary in a fairly wide range. This indicates that the projected productive horizons can be located both above and below the shale complexes. Therefore, the practically all (available for drilling) interval of the cross-section should be studied, when for the hydrocarbon accumulations prospecting within areas of shale spreading. Anomalous zones with very low values of fluid pressure in the reservoirs should not be considered as priority targets for detailed study.
Practical value/implications. The development of the surveyed license blocks starting from detected anomalous zones will allow, in general, significantly reduce the harmful effects (ecological pressure) on the environment. Mobile technology of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation (decoding) of remote sensing data allows to detect and map operatively the “Sweet spots” zones within the shale and other unconventional reservoirs spreading.
Keywords: mobile technology, anomaly of deposit type, oil, gas, gas-condensate, shale, coal-bearing rocks, fault zone, satellite data, direct prospecting, processing of remote sensing data, interpretation.
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