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Geoinformatika 2014; 4(52) : 63-72 (in Russian)


V.V. Tiutiunik1, N.V. Bondarev2, R.I. Shevchenko1, L.F. Chernogor2, V.D. Kalugin1

1National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Chernyshevska Str., 94, Kharkiv 61023, Ukraine, e-mail: tutunik_v@ukr.net
2V.N. Karazin Kharkov National University, Svobody Sq., 4, Kharkiv 61022, Ukraine

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to develop, within the suggested power approach, conceptions of dynamics and power functioning of the natural-technogenic-social system with dispersed in time and space any sources of dangers and their destabilizing effect on safety by daily functioning; to classify and range the territory of Ukraine by levels of daily functioning and technogenic danger manifestation.
Design/methodology/approach. We used methods of cluster analysis to carry out research on classification and ranging of the territory of Ukraine by levels of danger of a technogenic origin based to an assessment of the main indicators of the country`s activity and various manifestations of technogenic dangers – emergency situations of a technogenic origin; on fires in technogenic and social environment; on road accidents. The data analysis was carried out using statistical STATISTICA 6.1 and SPSS 20 packages.
Findings. On the basis of a hierarchical clustering, we carried out: a) ranging by quantity of interrelations between indicators of the activity of the natural-technogenic-social system of Ukraine in a mode of daily functioning and in the conditions of emergency situations of a technogenic origin; b) ranging of regions of Ukraine by key parameters defining conditions of daily functioning of the natural – technogenic – social system and manifestation of technogenic danger. On the basis of non-hierarchical clustering by the method of k-averages we carried out an assessment of the degree of clustering of the main variables defining conditions of daily functioning of the natural – technogenic and social system and manifestation of technogenic danger.
Practical value/implications. The obtained results of hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering offer scientific foundation for further development of an effective territorial complex system of monitoring, prevention and elimination of emergency situations of a technogenic origin and ensuring ecological safety in Ukraine.

Keywords: emergency situation, technogenic danger, power approach, cluster analysis, complex system of monitoring, prevention and elimination of emergency situations.

The full text of papers 


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