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Geoinformatika 2014; 3(51) : 67-76  (in Russian)


V.N. Eremeev1, A.E. Bukatov2, M.V. Babiy2, A.A. Bukatov2

1Oceanological Center NASU, Kapitanskaya St., 2, Sevastopol 99011, Ukraine
2Marine Hydrophysical Institute NASU, Kapitanskaya St., 2, Sevastopol 99011, Ukraine

On the basis of the monthly average values of wind velocity components of the above-ground level an investigation of the intraannual variability of the wind climatic field structure above the World Ocean is carried out during 1948–2012. The intraannual motion of the centers location of the major cyclones and anticyclones is considered. The analysis of the wind field climatic maps shows that the centers location of the basic cyclones and anticyclones practically does not change. The probability of the second centers appearing  into vortical structures and additional vortical formations occurring away from the main vortex is estimated. The analysis of the trend regional distribution of the above-ground level wind velocity is carried out. Areas of positive and negative trends are shown and estimations of their values are obtained. The correlation estimation of zonal and meridional wind velocity components of the above-ground level is given. In the regional distribution fields of a correlation coefficient and the hypothesis of no correlation, the areas of a positive and negative correlation coefficient and the areas with a high probability of no correlation between wind climatic velocity components are noted.

Keywords: wind above-ground level, wind field structure, the vortical structures centers, wind velocity trend.



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