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Geoinformatika 2014; 2(50) : 77-80  (in Russian)



Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science, Palladin av., 32, Kiev 03680, Ukraine, e-mail: rokityansky@gmail.com

Weather correction by technological methods is feasible but its effectiveness is rather low. Meanwhile, there is a huge amount of evidence on all continents and in all historical times, including today, that individuals or groups of people by means of mental impulse, magic ritual or, prayer can change the weather at will. This method will be called informational weather correction, and it works in accordance with physical laws. To substantiate this assertion the author uses mathematical works of J.H. Poincare and E.N. Lorenz devoted to deterministic chaos, physical works of D. Nicolis and B.B. Kadomcev on the dynamics of hierarchical systems, and natural philosophy works of V.I. Vernadsky, S. Grof and K.G. Jung on the noosphere and collective unconscious. Informational weather correction can be realized in unstable zones in bifurcation points, which systematically arise in some parts of meteorological system.

Keywords: atmosphere hydrodynamic instability, deterministic chaos, bifurcation, information behavior.

The full text of papers 


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