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Geoinformatika 2014; 1(49) : 46-53 (in Ukrainian)


M.V. Lubkov

PoltavaGravimetric Observatory within S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of NAS of Ukraine, Myasoedova St, 27/29, Poltava 36029, Ukraine, e-mail: mikhail.lubkov@mail.ru

Based on the variation finite element method for non-stationary heat conductivity problem in view of rocks radiogenic heat emission, modeling was done of the local heat processes in the modern activity (MA) zone of the Dnepr-Donetsk Depression (DDD). It was shown that the nature of the heat field distribution in the vicinity of the local temperature anomalies depended on their power, stability and location relative to the earth crust horizontals. It was established that under the condition of temporal stability of the local temperature anomalies, their sizes did not appreciably influence the resulting temperature field distribution. The obtained results show heating processes into the earth crust to pass very slowly (about a few million years). Thus, under the condition of MA DDD, the heating of the earth crust upper layers can take place only where the local temperature anomaly resources are situated comparatively close to the earth surface.

Keywords: computer modeling, heat processes, DDD modern activity zone.





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