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Geoinformatika 2014; 1(49) : 54-59  (in Russian)


S.V. Muravko, V.K. Demidov, K.M. Bondar, N.N. Zhukov

Taras Schevchenko National University of Kyiv, Vasilkovskaya St, 90, Kiev 03022, Ukraine, e-mail: fondad@ukr.net

A software module for automatic detection of anomalies on high-resolution magnetic maps is described. The module is part of an automated system for interpreting archaeomagnetic data, which is being currently developed. Anomaly detection is implemented by the method of the nearest neighbor, based on a number of criteria obtained through practical experience of qualitative interpretation. The software module is written in Python.

Keywords: automatic detection of anomalies, magnetic map, nearest neighbor method, archaeological site, Python.





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