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Geoinformatika 2012; 1(41) : 63-77


V.M. Karpenko

Described in the article is a physico-mathematical model called as energoinformational, interaction between acoustic impulse and partly taut nonhomogeneous space with geostatistical anisotropy of energy density. The model represents the dynamics of half-space physical points on the surface and inside it. In this process it is taken into account the conservation law, law of variation, energy fluence and energy packing in the form of a given seismic pulse “soliton”. This dynamics is also represented in processes of creation, transfer, reflecting, recording, handling and identification of impulse parameters with geophysical parameters of half-space physical mirror points. Energoinformational approach eliminates methodological distinction between the direct and inverse problems solving in prospecting seismology carried by a method of common depth point. That is realized through the use of physical-mathematical model of energy transfer dynamics by physical space, most adequate to the given energy laws and all physical situations of this process.

Keywords: energy, seismic wavelet, reflection horizon, seismograph, dynamical problem, geophysical parameters of a  reflecting horizon.
