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Geoinformatika 2015; 1(53) : 27-40 (in Russian)


N.K. Vinnichenko1, O.N. Vinnichenko2, I.V. Glushchenko1, V.N. Stepchenko1, V.A. Bagryantsev1

1“Special Centre of Aerospace Technologies”, 81 Karl Marx Ave., off. 12, Dnepropetrovsk 49000, Ukraine,e-mail: aero_space@ukr.net
2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 90 Vasylkivska Str., Kiev 03022, Ukraine, e-mail:  kse95641898@yandex.ua

Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to present a systemic exposition, based on modern concepts of the physics of thermal processes in geologic environment, of the thermodynamic foundation of geothermal exploration methods based on remote monitoring in the optical, infrared and radio wavelengths of electromagnetic waves. To popularize basic principles that have served as the starting point for the creation of methods and introscopy technologies (geotomography), which significantly increase the amount of information on the structure and thermodynamics of geologic environment that complements data from other geophysical methods.
Design/methodology/approach. The technology of thermal introscopy (geotomography) the results of which are presented, rests on the R.D. Muhamedjarov’s “Method of video thermovision generalization”. Technology allows us to conduct sensing of the Earth at a near arbitrary depth, which in terms of Petroleum Geology permits to determine not only the localization of hydrocarbon deposits but also their nature.
Findings. The publication significantly contributes to the scientific literature on the subject because the primary sources used in it are scattered and few. Examples of application of the thermal geotomography technology by developed “Special Center of Aerospace Technologies” (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine), which are widely presented in the article, show high efficiency of its solutions for diverse geostructural and search problems of oil and gas areas. Of special attention is the possibility to indicate HC directly.
Practical value/implications. The practical advantages primarily related to the tact that it is possible to apply the technology independent from terrain conditions; the technology is also environmentally clean, efficient, of relatively low cost, and of high success rate.
Keywords: geothermal exploration, remote methods, introscopy, geotomography, method of video thermovision generalization, geological environment, hydrocarbons.

 The full text of papers


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