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Geoinformatika 2015; 1(53) : 41-55 (in Ukrainian)


A.V. Khtema1, V.M. Khtema

1Limited Liability Company “Prom-energy product”, 5 Dimitrova Str., Kyiv 03150, Ukraine, e-mail: anna.khtema@gmail.com

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to conduct spatial tracking of the trap type anomaly (deposit-type anomaly) by an automated data processing technique in office studies. To obtain digital and graphic information on the location of hydrocarbon accumulation, fluid content, quantity, structure and reliability of reserves.
Design/methodology/approach. Methods are used: physical and geological interpretation of well logs, structural and numerical modeling, digital geoinformational technology, which operates with new physical characteristics of geological environment, that were not observed and detected before. Also used are parameters of hydraulically continuous motion of natural fluid and estimation of geological reserves of hydrocarbons by volumetric method.
Findings. Within drilled out area, values of volumetric parameters were calculated and localized. As a result, we made hydrocarbon reserves estimation, including estimations of gas and fluid hydrocarbons separately. We defined reliability of estimated reserves and their structure (whether it is gas or fluid). We demonstrated a set of features of a self-organization process of hydrocarbon accumulation. A required data base was formed to reconstruct speed and accelerate petroleum accumulation, and to evaluate hydrocarbon reserves variations, as well as to ensure application of the time factor to get recovery factor values of over 1.0.
Practical value /implications. The geoinformation robot (geo-data robot) is recommended to use within drilled out areas with the purpose of searching and localizing oil-and-gas prospective objects which were missing. It is also useful for determining hydrocarbon reserves at various well logs correlations.
Keywords: hydrocarbons, geoinformation, hydrocarbon reserves, estimation, volumetric parameters, category, modelling, trap, process, accumulation, robot.

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