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Geoinformatika 2015; 3(55) : 31-40 (in Ukrainian)


A.V. Khtema1, V.M. Khtema

1Limited Liability Company “Prom-energy product”, 5 Dimitrova Str., Kyiv 03150, Ukraine, e-mail:anna.khtema@gmail.com

Purpose. The purpose of the research is to revise of geological and geophysical data within the drilled out areas  to clarify the scale and oil-and-gas potential of the sediments; using the geoinformation robot (the geo-data robot), to make spatial localization of oil-and-gas prospective objects (deposit-type anomaly); also to get the digital data and graphical visualization of the known and prospective oil and gas objects, their fluid content, quantity, structure and reliability of these reserves.
Design/methodology/approach. We employed physical and geological interpretation of well logs, structural and numerical modeling, and digital geoinformational technology, which users the data on physical characteristics of geological environment and parameters of hydraulically continuous motion of natural fluid. Automatized estimation of geological reserves of hydrocarbons by volumetric method was also applied.
Findings. Five deposit-type anomalies were found in sedimentary layers within the drilled out area. The values of the estimation parameters were calculated and localized within these anomalies. We estimated hydrocarbon reserves and characterized their reliability and structure (whether it is gas or fluid). Two anomalies spatially aligned with the oil and gas accumulations which were already known. The existence of three other anomalies, which were detected at relatively shallow depths, is accounted for by the presence of three oil and gas objects that were missed while drilling prospecting, exploration and production wells.
Practical value/implications. The obtained results indicate that it would be useful and expedient to resume hydrocarbon exploration within the drilled out area (researched by the authors). This will give an opportunity to verify the evidence obtained from physical and geological interpretation of well logs and structural and numerical modeling.

Keywords: anomaly, hydrocarbons, geoinformation, reserves, estimation, parameters, modeling, trap, forecast, accumulation, robot.

The full text of papers 


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