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Geoinformatika 2015; 3(55) : 45-51 (in Russian)


O.A. Hachay1, O.Yu. Khachay2, A.Yu. Khachay2

1Institute of Geophysics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 100 Amundsen Str., Ekaterinburg 620016, Russian Federation, e-mail: olgakhachay@yandex.ru
2Ural Federal University, 19 Mira Str., Ekaterinburg 620002, Russian Federation, e-mail: khachay@yandex.ru, andrey.khachay@gmail.com

Purpose. Geological medium is an open system which is influenced by outer and inner factors that can lead it to a unstable state. That non stability as a rule occurs locally and these zones are named dynamically active elements, which are indicators of potential catastrophic sources. These objects differ from the embedded geological medium by their structural forms, which often are of hierarchical type. The process of their activation can be searched, using wave fields monitoring. For that purpose it is necessary to develop new algorithms of modeling wave field’s propagation through the local objects with hierarchical structure. It also requires a theory of interpreting the distribution of wave fields to define the contours of these local hierarchical objects.
Design/methodology/approach. We constructed an algorithm for the 3D  modeling of an electromagnetic field for an arbitrary type of source of excitation in a N-layered medium with a hierarchic conductive intrusion, located in the layer number J. We also been constructed algorithms for the 2D modeling of sound diffraction and linear polarized transversal seismic wave on an intrusion of the hierarchic structure located in the layer number J of the N-layered elastic medium. We used the method of integral and integral-differential equations for a space frequency presentation of wave field’s distribution. An algorithm is developed to build the equation of the theoretical inverse problem for 2-D electromagnetic field of E and H polarization and linear polarized longitudinal elastic wave by excitation of the N-layered conductive or elastic medium with hierarchic conductive or elastic inclusion located in the n-th layer.
Findings. The theory proves that for such complicated medium each wave field contains its own information about the inner structure of the hierarchical inclusion. Therefore it is important to interpret the monitoring data for each wave field apart, without mixing the data base.
Practical value/implications. These results will serve as the base for constructing new systems of monitoring observations of dynamical geological systems. It is particularly useful in preventing rock shocks in deep mines by their exploitation.

Keywords: hierarchic medium, electromagnetic field, seismic field, algorithms of modeling, equation of theoretical inverse problem.

The full text of papers


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