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Geoinformatika 2015; 3(55) : 60-67 (in Ukrainian)


M.N. Zhukov1, I.V. Kuraeva2, Yu.Yu. Voytyuk2, I.R. Stakhiv1, A.Ya. Bunina1, A.V. Matvienko2

1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 90 Vasylkivska Str., Kyiv 03022, Ukraine, e-mail: jukov42@ukr.net, fatix@ukr.net, 2940954@gmail.com
2M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 34 Palladina Ave., Kyiv 03680, Ukraine, e-mail: igmr@igmof.gov.ua, yuliasun86@mail.ru, aleksandramatvi@gmail.com

Purpose. Iron and steel industry is the leading sector of the economy of Ukraine. But at the same time, the industry is a major polluter of the environment and its individual components. By the index of atmospheric pollution, the city of Mariupol of Donetsk region is the number one polluter in Ukraine. The aim of this study was to conduct a comprehensive ecological and geochemical study using modern approaches to eco geochemistry.
Design/methodology/approach. To determine the concentration factors to make an and ecogeochemical assessment of the total pollution index, we used the method of Yu.Yu. Sayeta. The estimation of the contamination of the soils was conducted using the method of M.N. Zhukov. The maps of the distribution of heavy metals in soils constructed using the program of MapInfo 9.
Findings. It found out that the soils of the investigated territory are mainly black earth soils. New data on the content of heavy metals obtained. It established that the halos of heavy metals scattering are not only around the enterprises, but also in the outskirts of the city. The largest concentrations of heavy metals observed at a distance of 1–2 km from the enterprises. Geochemical association of heavy metals in Mariupol soils includes such elements as Pb > Cu > Zn > Cr > Mn (range 0–5 cm), Pb > Cu > Cr > Mn > V (range 5–10 cm).
Practical value/ implications. The assessment of ecological and geochemical soil conditions of Mariupol by the total pollution index revealed that the soils have a high (dangerous) level of contamination. Using the method of principal components, we managed to identify the main factors that affect ecological condition of the soils.

Keywords: heavy metals, ferrous metals, soil, method of principal components.

The full text of papers 


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