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Geoinformatika 2017; 4(64) : 50-61

УДК 551.582.2, 551.583.1


V.I. Osadchyi1, O.Ya. Skrynyk1, D.O. Oshurok1, O.A. Skrynyk2

1Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute under the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the NAS of Ukraine, 37, Nauky Ave., Kyiv, 03028, Ukraine, e-mail: osad@uhmi.org.ua, skrynyk@uhmi.org.ua, dimaoshurok@gmail.com
2National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, 15, Heroyiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine, e-mail: skrynyk@nubip.edu.ua

Purpose The main purpose of the study is to assess (over the period of 1981–2010) wind conditions and wind power resources of the Ternopil region located in the Western part of Ukraine.
Methodology We used a complete set of sub daily meteorological data collected at climatological stations located in the domain. The climatological assessment of wind conditions in the Ternopil region was conducted by calculating the simplest statistical parameters of both wind speed and wind direction for every climatological station of the region. To assess wind power resources, we applied a diagnostic meteorological model CALMET that is a meteorological preproces­sor for the USEPA approved dispersion model CALPUFF. Using CALMET we have calculated wind field on 2,5 km horizontal grid at vertical levels of 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110 m with 1-hour time resolution. The ERA-Interim reanalysis data were used instead of upper air data (radio-sounding) in CALMET. After calculating the wind components, the wind power averaged over 1981–2010 was computed.
Findings Our results have a good agreement with the terrain features in almost all parts of the region. The largest wind power potential was found in the north and north-west part of the domain. These areas are higher than the surrounding territory. Low wind power values were identified in the south-west part situated mainly in the Dnister river valley. However, such spatial distribution of wind power resources can also be attributed to the impact of the Carpathian mountains (“wind shadow”).
Practical value The comparative analysis of a calculated wind power field with the previously published results has shown the efficacy of CALMET in evaluating the wind resources of a small domain with complicated topography. We have identified the areas on the territory of the Ternopil region that can be used to to produce wind electricity.

Keywords: wind conditions, wind energy, meteorological preprocessor CALMET, Ternopil region.

The full text of papers


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