Телефон: 522-81-45

Geoinformatika 2018; 4(68) : 64-73

УДК 550.8


T.L. Mikheeva, E.P. Lapina, N.V. Panchenko

S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine

Purpose. Initial gravimetric and magnetometric data were interpreted to determine the geometrical parameters of anomalia-forming bodies using an automated system for interpreting potential fields. In the process of research, a numerical model of anomalous gravimetric and magnetometric fields was constructed and the results were qualitatively and quantitatively interpreted. On the basis of three approximating structures (rod bodies, horizontally located prisms limited in strike, with a vertical section in the form of a simply connected polygonal contour, and star bodies), local anamalia-forming sources were simulated.
Design/ methodology/ approach. We tested the method of determining the depth of the centers of gravity of the bodies with  the upper and lower edges of selected sources. In connection with the search for new indigenous deposits and clarification of the nature of the distribution of ore mineralization, the issues of quantitative interpretation and interpretation of gravitational and magnetic anomalies over the bodies of ore gabbroids deserve special attention. The interpretation of magnetic anomalies over bodies and gabbroid arrays, especially those that contain ore mineralization, is a task of practical importance.
Findings. In algorithmic terms, the implementation of the automated selection method is reduced to minimizing multiparameter functionals. The structure of the functionals is changed directly in the iterative minimization process. In addition to the quadratic approximation, the logarithm and normalization of the compared characteristics of the observed and theoretical fields are used in the formation of the objective function. The considered capabilities of such solutions are used to construct a complex geological model the masses of which may determine the observed field. The developed software and algorithmic software has been tested on model examples and real areal gravimetric and magnetometric data.

Keywords: qualitative and quantitative interpretation, inverse problem, automated system, analytical approximation, gravitational field, magnetic field, approximation cell, geological object.


The full text of papers



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