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Geoinformatika 2019; 1(69) : 62-69

УДК 528.44:332.3


V.I. Zatserkovnyy, L.V. Tustanovska, O.E. Senkevich

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Institute of Geology, 90, Vasylkivska Str., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine, vitalii.  zatserkovnyi@gmail.com, ljume4@ukr.net, freedom0forever97@gmail.com

Purpose.  It is presently topical for the modern land and urban cadastre in order to ensure the sustainable and efficient development of the city to use the use complex three-dimensional objects of immovable property, giving an idea of ​​their location above / under or directly on the earth’s surface. In a two-dimensional registration system, it is impossible to display objects in their two-dimensional projection on a land plot both within cities and metropolises and on lands outside settlements. There is a need to consider urban land use in three-dimensional space, which will allow you to comprehensively reflect land use, taking into account not only the totality of physical but also a number of other parameters. In this case, three-dimensional models allow you to get realistic images. The methodical and technological development of researches is substantiated and the technology of constructing the measuring of three-dimensional video-scenes, which ensure the expansion of the scope of their use in data analysis for solving real estate cadastre tasks, urban planning, motor transport management, acoustic pollution protection, etc. is introduced.
Design/methodology/approachFor research methods of statistical and spatial analysis, economic-mathematical modeling, and digital image processing were used. The implementation of the reliability and objectivity of cadastral information in the 3D cadastral system was implemented. Engaged to create a three-dimensional cadastre package of MicroStation software, which allowed the creation of new applications, virtual layers of the topology, etc. ESRI ArcGIS software was used to build 3D modeling of real estate objects and applied ground, mobile and air laser scanning technologies.
Findings.  The development of a modern cadastral system using 3D modeling has been analyzed. The possibilities of using geographic information systems for the creation of three-dimensional objects during a cadastre maintenance and real estate valuation are discussed.
Practical value/implications. Thanks to the use of a three-dimensional cadastre, it is possible to substantially improve the quality of accounting of such elements of infrastructure as communication networks and pipelines, as well as multi-level complexes, multi-apartment buildings and other objects. The three-dimensional display of the terrain and objects located on it significantly expands the possibilities of cadastral accounting and mechanisms for ensuring property rights, planning, design and taxation.

Keywords: 3D-modeling, 3D-cadastre, land cadaster, real estate valuation, land resources, land use, spatial analysis.


The full text of papers



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