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Geoinformatika 2019; 2(70) : 50-57

УДК 551.24+622.1


M.V. Lubkov, O.O. Zacharchyk

Poltava Gravimetric Observatory of S.I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science, 27/29 Mysoedova Str., Poltava 36015, Ukraine, e-mail: mikhail.lubkov@ukr.net

Purpose. Nowadays we know that local salt structures of the Dniepr-Donetsk Depression (DDD) characterize by a diverse structure, lithology and formation history. On the other hand, all this variety of structural forms is result of only a few main structural factors of their genesis: the vertical movements of the blocks of the crystalline basement, regional tangential movements and stresses and movements associated with the salt tectonics. As a morphology, age and genesis of the local salt DDD structures closely connected with the formation of hydrocarbon traps and as a result — oil and gas concentration places. So actually to carry out computer modeling of slow tectonic movements into the salt masses of different types of those structures with the purpose of hydrocarbon traps forming mechanism understanding.

Design/methodology/approach. On the base of variation finite-element method for the Kelvin-Voight visco-elastic problem resolving, we carried out computer modeling of slow tectonic movements into the salt masses of different types of the local salt DDD structures with the purpose of hydrocarbon traps forming processes investigation.

Findings. The results of computer modeling show the most active process of the hydrocarbon traps formation occurs inside the above fault salt local DDD structures, at that time more sloping tectonic movements within more powerful salt masses lead to more intensive formation of the traps. The next on activity of the traps formation are contraction salt local DDD structures. The least intensive hydrocarbon traps formation processes of the I-group appropriate to the stump salt local DDD structures. Therefore, most likely, to discover industrial hydrocarbons deposits into the local salt DDD structures of the I group, especially in the above fault and contraction structures. In the case of local salt DDD structures of the II group, the hydrocarbon traps formation can be quite intensive, but probability of finding here hydrocarbon deposits of an industrial scale is much lower than in salt structures of the I group. In the case of salt structures of group III, the probability of the active hydrocarbon traps formation processes within these structures is quite low.

The practical significance and conclusions. One can use obtained results for practical geophysical and geological works with a purpose of effective exploration of oil and gas deposits in the active salt basins. In further, actually to use presented method for more detailed oil-gas deposits investigation in the DDD region.

Keywords: computer modeling, local salt DDD structures, hydrocarbon traps formation.

The full text of papers


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Received 02/04/2019