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Geoinformatika 2019; 2(70) : 74-83

УДК 681.518.3:504.064.3:004.94


V.I. Zatserkovnyi, L.V. Plichko, O.I. Shyshenko

Institute of Geology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 90 Vasylkivska str., Kyiv 03022, Ukraine, e-mail: vitallii.zatsekovnyi@gmail.com, PlichkoL@ukr.net, oksana.shyshenko@gmail.com

Purpose. Activation of exogenous geological processes in recent decades that occur on the territory of Ukraine due to global climate change, the onset of cyclical periods of increasing precipitation and rising groundwater levels, excessive regulation of rivers by reservoirs and ponds, poor performance or lack of drainage systems in settlements and drainage systems, uncontrolled irrigation of household plots and has become a real threat to the population and management.

Design/methodology/approach. Modeling of the flooding territory during periods of flooding makes it possible to assess the general geo-ecological situation related to the engineering and hydro-ecological peculiarities of the territory. The risk assessment of the flooding of the territory makes it possible to plan the rational use of the near-river areas, which
contributes to their sustainable development.

Findings. The use of modern methods of spatial analysis based on geo-information technologies (GIT) makes it possible to solve problems of accumulation, storage, updating and analysis of any spatial and/or temporal information, including hydrological, hydrogeological and engineering-geological. Possessing the ability to process such information, modern GIS allow building predictive models, creating scenarios of possible situations for quick and scientifically based decision making.The scientific rationale of geoinformation modeling and flood development forecasting to mitigate their negative impact using GIT is presented.

Practical value/implications. The possibilities are presented and the main directions of the use of geo-information modeling in forecasting and visualization of flooding areas are shown. The use of ArcGIS software in algorithms of geoprocessing models for solving problems of flood forecasting as a tool for quick and visual express analysis is described.

Keywords: geo-information technologies, modeling, forecasting, floods, ArcGIS.

The full text of papers


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Received 31/01/2019