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Geoinformatika 2019; 3(71) : 62-70

УДК 528.44:332.3


P.D. Krelshteyn1, L.V. Tustanovska1, I.S. Bugaenko2

1Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv Institute of Geology, 90, Vasylkivska Str., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine, e-mail: ljume4@ukr.net
2Department of Land Management and Cadasre, Kyiv, e-mail: bugaenko.irina.1991@gmail.com

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify global trends in the use of combined BIM and GIS technologies for different categories of stakeholders and organizations across the spectrum of interests of the AECOO industry (the standard term is AECOO. AECOO (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Owner and Operator) are Architects, Engineers, Builders, Owners and Operators.

Design/methodology/approach. Explore global trends in the use of BIM GIS technologies; analysis of the legal regulation of the creation and operation of objects; analysis of improvement and development of state land and urban planning inventories based on GIS technologies; improvement of methods and technologies of real estate management; improvement of planning and cartographic materials of state inventories based on geoinformation modeling of the territory.
Observation, analysis, monitoring, modeling, synthesis, conceptualization, tatistic method.

Findings. Improvement of the system of state cadastre management, modeling method by using up-to-date data was applied, rational use of territories by GIS input was proposed.

Practical value/implications. The practical significance of the research results is the extension of scientific knowledge, the use of results for the development and improvement of legislative and regulatory regulation of land relations in Ukraine, with the possibility of their further use in such fields as research, educational and practical. In particular, differences in regulatory provisions that exist in existing registers can be eliminated.
The results of the study can be aimed at determining the necessary actions aimed at transformation of the cadastral system in Ukraine, based on the solution of relevant problems and taking into account international experience.

Keywords: information modeling, geospatial objects, registration systems, operation of buildings, cadastral records, engineering design, State Land Cadastre.

The full text of papers


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Received 02/09/2019