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Geoinformatika 2019; 4(72) : 5-18

УДК 528+550.837+553.98


M.A. Yakymchuk1, I.M. Korchagin2

1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine, e-mail: yakymchuk@gmail.com
2Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: korchagin.i.n@gmail.com

Purpose. Experimental works of reconnaissance character were carried out to study the features of the deep structure of various types of volcanic complexes. The studies were carried out using mobile geophysical methods within local areas of mud volcanoes and large volcanic structures location in various regions of the world, as well as on Mars.

Design/methodology/approach. The survey of the volcanic structures locations was carried out using mobile technology, including modified methods of frequency-resonance processing and decoding of satellite images and photographs, vertical electrical resonance sounding (scanning) of the cross-section, as well as methods for integrated assessment of the oil and gas prospects of large prospecting blocks and local sites. Separate methods of technology are based on the principles of the «substance» paradigm of geophysical research, the essence of which is to search for a specific (sought in each specific case) substance — oil, gas, gas condensate, gold, zinc, uranium, etc.

Findings. The results of a deep frequency-resonance scanning of the cross-section in the areas of work show that the roots of the examined volcanoes, filled with sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks of various groups, are almost always located at depths of 996 km, 723 km, 470 km, 195—217 km and 95 km. Volcanoes with roots in the interval of 195—217 km (layer of the plastic state of the rocks) can be considered as «young» mud volcanoes, the activity of which is currently observed. Volcanic structures with roots at depths of 723 km and 470 km should be classified as «old». The presence on the survey sites of volcanic structures with roots at various depths suggests the processes of activation in these regions that took place at different times. Samples of rocks filling the channels of volcanoes with a root on the surface of 723 km can be recorded in the depth interval 0—723 km, with a root at 470 km — in the interval of 0—470 km, and with a root at 217 km — only in the interval of 0—217 km. The depths of the roots of the investigated volcanoes on Mars differ from those on Earth; the root of the basalt volcano is determined at a depth of 450 km, and filled with limestone — 144.300 km. Signals from oil, condensate and gas have been recorded in areas where three mud volcanoes are located.

The practical significance and conclusions. The materials of the presented and previously performed experimental works suggest that researchers underestimate the influence of volcanic activity on the formation of the external appearance and internal structure of the planet Earth, as well as other planets of the solar system. The conducted experimental studies testified to the possibility of using mobile direct-prospecting technology of satellite images and photographs frequency-resonance processing to detect and localize deep channels (volcanoes) of migration of fluids, minerals and chemical elements, as well as to study the deep structure of the Earth’s tectonic elements and search for combustible and ore mineral.

Keywords: volcano, vertical channel, deep structure, cross-section, oil, gas, hydrogen, satellite data, photograph, direct prospecting, mobile technology, anomaly, remote sensing data processing, interpretation.

The full text of papers


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  3. Levashov S.P., Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Frequency-resonance principle, mobile geoelectric technology: new paradigm of geophysical investigations. Geophysical Journal. 2012. Vol. 34, N 4. P. 166—176 (in Russian).
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  6. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Integral estimation of the deep structure of some volcanoes and cymberlite pipes of the Earth. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 1. P. 28—38 (in Russian).
  7. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Ukrainian Shield: new data on depth structure and prospects of oil, gas condensate, gas and hydrogen accumulations detection Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 2. P. 5—18 (in Russian).
  8. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N., Levashov S.P. Direct-prospecting mobile technology: the results of approbation during searching for hydrogen and the channels of migration of deep fluids, mineral substances and chemical elements. Geoinformatyka, 2019, N 2, P. 19—42 (in Russian).
  9. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Peculiarities of depth structure and of oil and gas perspectives of Ukrainian shield separate blocks by results of frequency-resonance sounding of cross-section. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 3. P. 5—18 (in Russian).
  10. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Application of mobile frequency-resonance methods of satellite images and photo images processing for hydrogen accumulations searching. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 3. P. 19—28 (in Russian).
  11. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Technology of frequency-resonance processing of remote sensing data: results of practical approbation during mineral searching in various regions of the globe. Part I. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 3. P. 29—51 (in Russian).
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  13. Two new images show Mars’ icy poles and pockmarked surface. https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/mars-esa-images-poles/


Received 19/11/2019