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Geoinformatika 2019; 4(72) : 89-95

УДК 550.837


Yu.V. Pivovarenko1, M.A. Yakymchuk2

1Research and Training Centre ‘Physical and Chemical Materials Science’ under Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University and NAS of Ukraine
2Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine;
e-mail: yakymchuk@gmail.com, y.pivovarenko@gmail.com

Previously, it was found that the drying of salt solutions prepared on water with a negative charge is accompanied by
the arborization of salt crystals, i.e. — the formation of plant-shaped crystals. This suggests that geological structures
with plant forms were formed by minerals that had a negative charge during their formation. Such an assumption
stimulated the search for physical causes causing negative electrification of terrestrial objects, in particular, miner-
als. Some natural causes of this kind of electrification are analyzed here. The frequency-resonance processing of the
photographs of the prints on the rocks provides the basis for the creation of another model of their formation.

Keywords: crystals, polymorphism, electric field, prints on rocks.

The full text of papers


  1. Rutten M. The origin of life (naturally). Moscow: World. 1973. 228 p. [in Russian].
  2. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N., Bakhmutov V.G., Soloviev V.D. Geophysical surveys in the Ukrainian Ukrainian Antarctic Expedition 2018: mobile measuring equipment, innovative direct search methods, new results. Geoinformatyca. 2019. N 1. P. 5—27 [in Russian].
  3. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. The technology of frequency-resonance processing of remote sensing data: the results of practical testing in the search for minerals in various regions of the globe. Part I. Geoinformatyca. 2019. N 3. P. 29—51 [in Russian].
  4. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. The use of mobile frequency-resonance methods for processing satellite images and photographs when searching for accumulations of hydrogen. Geoinformatyca. 2019. N 3. P. 19—28 [in Russian].
  5. Pivovarenko Y. Arborization of salt crystals in the aspect of plant morphology. Morphologia. 2018. Vol. 12, N 1. P. 37—41.
  6. Pivovarenko Y. Nature of the polymorphism of salt crystals in the aspect of arborization diagnostic method. Morphologia. 2016. Vol. 10, N 1. P. 72—76.
  7. Pivovarenko Y. Water: Demonstration of water properties, depending on its electrical potential. World Journal of Applied Physics. 2018. Vol. 3, N 1. — P. 13—18.
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Received 18/11/2019