Телефон: 522-81-45

Geoinformatika 2019; 4(72) : 96-105

УДК 534.222


A.A. Schiptsov, S.G. Fedoseenkov, A.I. Shundel

State Institution «Scientific Hydrophysical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine», Kiev, Akademika
Glushkova Ave., 42, Ukraine, e-mail: oceanography@ukr.net

Purpose. Theoretical study and experimental confirmation of the possibility of detecting by using sonar methods of silted objects with a small cross section and a large length.

Design/methodology/approach. Analytical determination of the acoustic field disturbance created by the object.

Findings. The problem of theoretically determining the amplitude of an echo signal from a silted cylindrical object is
solved, calculations of the echo signals are performed depending on the impedance characteristics of the object and media, the relative position of the sonar antenna, the bottom surface and the object, as well as on the sounding wave-length and transverse dimensions of the object. The possibility of detecting cylindrical objects, including small-sized ones, with the help of hydroacoustic tools during the Dnepr-2018 research expedition has been experimentally confirmed.

Practical value/implications. The obtained results are new, they allow to assess the real possibilities of detecting silted objects with a small cross section and a large length, and also make it possible to determine the characteristics of sonar equipment necessary for detection.

Keywords: hydroacoustic, long low-sized silted cylindrical objects, echo-signal

The full text of papers


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Received 14/11/2019