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Geoinformatika 2020; 1(73) : 19-41

УДК 528+550.837+553.98


M.A. Yakymchuk1, I.M. Korchagin2

1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine, e-mail: yakymchuk@gmail.com
2Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Palladin Ave., Kyiv, 03680,Ukraine, e-mail: korchagin.i.n@gmail.com

Purpose. The materials of additional testing of mobile direct-prospecting methods in various regions of the world are pre sented. Experimental studies have been carried out (and will continue in the future) in order to demonstrate the operability, efficiency and potential capabilities of the developed methods during various geological and geophysical problems solving.

Design/methodology/approach. The developed mobile and low-cost technology includes modified methods of frequency-resonance processing and decoding of satellite images and photo images, vertical electric-resonance sounding (scanning) of a cross-section, as well as a method of integrated assessment of the prospects of oil and gas potential of large prospecting blocks and license areas. Separate methods of this direct-prospecting technology are based on the principles of the “substance” paradigm of geophysical research, the essence of which is to search for a specific substance — oil, gas, gas condensate, gold, zinc, etc.

Findings. The studies performed on oil and gas drilling sites on the offshore and on onshore (North and Barents Seas, Alaska, Peru, Angola, Uruguay, areas in the UAE and Tajikistan) confirmed the feasibility of additional works conducting with using direct-prospecting methods when choosing sites for their laying. Within deep channels (volcanoes), filled with sedimentary rocks of 1-6 groups, signals (responses) are almost always recorded at the resonant frequencies of hydrocarbons (HC) and, in many cases, amber. Signals at the frequencies of oil, condensate and gas are also recorded quite often in volcanoes, filled with limestone. In volcanic complexes filled with sedimentary rocks of 8-10 groups (dolomites, marls, siliceous rocks), responses at frequencies of oil, condensate, and gas have never been recorded. In many areas of the survey, in the contours of responses from the HC recording, the existence of a 57 km boundary was confirmed, in the region of which oil, condensate, gas and amber are synthesized from hydrogen and carbon migrating from below. At the open gas field Jebel Ali in the UAE, by the cross-section scanning promising gas intervals (with intense responses at gas frequencies) in deep-lying horizons of the crosssection were revealed. This suggests that the total gas volumes on the field may be significantly larger than officially declared. Signals from hydrocarbons in granites, including on the surface of 57 km, were also obtained in the areas of location of the
examined granite massifs, which indicates of the possible synthesis of hydrocarbons in some types of granite volcanoes. In the areas of the predicted presence of graphite and apatite deposits, as well as those established by geological and geophysical work and drilling of gold halos, responses were recorded at the frequencies of these minerals and the depth of their occurrence in the cross-section was estimated.

The practical significance and conclusions. In general, the results of experimental studies using the developed direct-prospecting methods indicate their performance and effectiveness. The feasibility of further research in this direction (using the frequency-resonance principle of useful signals registering to develop low-cost and mobile methods of “direct” searches for minerals of different type) is not in doubt. The mobile method of integrated assessment of the prospects of oil and gas and ore availability provides an opportunity to significantly accelerate and optimize the geological exploration process for combustible and ore minerals. The proven mobile technology of frequency-resonance processing of satellite images and photographs is recommended for practical use in Ukraine (as well as in other regions of the world) in order to preliminary assess the prospects of hydrocarbons and ore potential of poorly studied and unexplored prospecting blocks and local areas.

Keywords: Direct prospecting, vertical channel, volcano, deep structure, cross-section, oil, gas, hydrogen, amber, salt, graphite,
apatite, gold, granite massif, chemical elements, satellite data, mobile technology, anomaly, remote sensing data processing, interpretation, vertical sounding.

The full text of papers


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Receive 03.03.2020