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Geoinformatika 2020; 1(73) : 42-55

УДК 528+550.3+550.837+551.21


V.D. Soloviev1, V.G. Bakhmutov1, M.A. Yakymchuk2, I.M. Korchagin1

2Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Palladin Ave., Kyiv, 03680,Ukraine, e-mail: solvalera@ukr.net
1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine, e-mail: yakymchuk@gmail.com

Purpose. The results of the mobile direct-prospecting technology using for frequency resonance processing of satellite images of certain structures of the West Antarctica are shown. The complex magma-fluid system at the northern volcanic branch in the Bransfield Strait existence is proposed. These reconnaissance investigations were carried out for some inland and submarine volcanic structures in the northern part of the West Antarctica region near the Antarctic Peninsula.

Design/methodology/approach. The mobile technology includes modified methods of frequency-resonance processing and decoding of satellite images and vertical electric-resonance sounding (scanning) of the cross-sections. The direct-prospecting technology methods are based on the principles of the «substance» paradigm of geophysical research with the specific substance searching.

Findings.Existence of a complex magma-gas-fluid system in some structures of the northern volcanic branch in the Bransfield Strait (West Antarctica) is shown. It consists of several different-level deep magma chambers with magmas that raised directly from the mantle or from the accumulation zone located at the boundary of the earth’s crust and mantle (depth 25-30 km). Materials of deep frequency-resonance sounding show that the roots of many volcanoes are located in the molten rock layer at a depth of 194-215 km and more. The deep roots of volcanic structures presence can be associated with the pulsed functioning of a gas-fluid channel with a low viscosity. Obtained results reveal that the gas-saturated melts form some zones of
intermediate crystallization in the crust due to this channel. Certain structural patterns for inland and submarine volcanicstructures are revealed and the first data on the deep migration channels of fluids in the Bransfield Strait are obtained. According to the data of frequency resonance studies, channels with different formation depths are filled with basalts, ultramafic rocks
and various groups of sedimentary rocks.
The characteristic responses for a wide range of rocks, deep fluids, minerals and chemical elements in the migration channels
can be associated and justified from of the Earth’s hydrogen degassing position.

The practical significance and conclusions. Multiphase pulsed volcanic activity mainly through the vertical migration channels of deep fluids from the melting zone, located in the depth interval 194-215 km, played a significant role in the formation of tectonic diversity and the structures of the Antarctic continental margins evolution. The experimental researches results show that the mobile direct prospecting technology of satellite images frequency-resonance processing can be used to study the volcanoes deep structure and genesis. These results of the Bransfield Strait magmatic systems studying indicate the need for further research to understand the mechanisms of formation and evolution of structures and deep geosphere in different regions of the Earth.

Keywords: Western Antarctica, Bransfield Strait, deep structure, Deception, underwater volcanoes, direct searches, mobile technology, remote sensing data processing, interpretation.

The full text of papers


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