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Geoinformatika 2020; 1(73) : 116-123

УДК 556.3+5


M.М. Tymkiv

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, 15 Karpatska Street, Ivano-Frankisvk, 76019, Ukraine, e-mail: maritymkiv@gmail.com

Today groundwater is one of the most important underground resources of our country. Effective operation of groundwater monitoring networks ensures the normal functioning of agriculture, the environment and industry. According to official data, only 41 groundwater wells remained in the study area. According to the methodology of network construction, this amount is extremely small, given that the study area is transboundary. Therefore, today, one of the important steps is the creation of an optimal and effective hydrogeological monitoring network. The purpose of this work is to investigate new methods for designing a hydrogeological monitoring network and its features in accordance with the basic requirements of the Water Framework Directive. In this paper the general characteristics of the Pripyat River basin are presented, in particular, geological and hydrogeological. The important points that should include the observation network, namely: the area of the territory, the nature of the basin, changes in groundwater levels, hydrogeological features of the territory. The paper also presents a map
showing the points of the existing observation wells. Unfortunately, this map does not allow groundwater levels to be fully monitored. Thus, a universal algorithm for constructing a groundwater monitoring network is proposed. This algorithm presents the main stages in the study of groundwater monitoring, namely: general characteristics of the study area, analysis of the existing
observation network, choice of methods for construction of the monitoring network. The key steps will be the design of new points of the observation network and the construction of hydrogeological maps.

Keywords: monitoring network optimization, groundwater levels, monitoring methods.

The full text of papers


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