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Geoinformatika 2020; 2(74) : 89-97

УДК 553.24;553.21/24;553.9


A.V. Harutyunyan

National Polytechnic University of Armenia,0009, Yerevan, Teryan street 105, Armenia, e-mail: avhk@seua.am

Purpose. Study of the features of the structure and composition of the earth’s crust in the territory of Armenia, as well as the nature of the geodynamic processes occurring at different horizons of the crust.

Design/methodology/approach. Study of elastic-density properties of rocks, as well as numerous geological and geophysical data. Presentation of the model of the evolution of the earth’s crust in the territory of Armenia. Description of dehydration of rocks as the main source of the genesis of hydrocarbons.

Findings. The results of studies of seismic and density properties of rocks, as well as some geodynamic processes occurring at high pressures and temperatures, taking into account the actual geological and geophysical data, allowed us to present a new concept on the Genesis of hydrocarbons. The main source for all indicators is the dehydration of serpentinized rocks, relics of the 3rd layer of oceanic crust, at different depths of the earth’s crust in different regions of the Earth. Based on the proposed concept, the Genesis of some giant hydrocarbon deposits (the Gulf of Mexico, the Caspian basin, Western Siberia) is proposed. More than 15 criteria have been identified on the basis of which it is proposed to conduct prospecting and exploration in different regions of the Earth. For these regions, the territory of Armenia has been selected with more than 10 criteria defined. Specific structures have been identified and proposed for exploration, which according to the proposed concept are the most promising in terms of oil and gas potential.

The practical significance and conclusions. Based on the results of the research, the Government of Armenia and oil exploration companies propose to carry out oil exploration work in the country, the results of which depend on the development of its national economy. To investigate the Ararat-Artashat section by modern geophysical methods covering 6–7 km in order to reveal the nature of undulation of the surface separating the thin cover layer and the structure with reduced seismic wave propagation velocities. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to determine the point and depth of the well.

Keywords: serpentinized rocks, hydrogen, dehydration, Genesis of hydrocarbons, covers, hydrocarbon structures, faults.

The full text of papers


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Receive 14.04.2020