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Geoinformatika 2020; 3(75) : 63-82

УДК 631.445.4:(550.4:669.018:67):(504.064.3:550.814.012:528.88):628.472.37](477)


O.T. Azimov1, O.M. Trofymchuk2, K.S. Zlobina3, I.V. Kuraeva3, S.P. Karmazinenko4

1State Institution «Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of IGS of NAS of Ukraine», 55-b, Oles Honchar Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01054, e-mail: azimov@casre.kiev.ua
2Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of NAS of Ukraine, 13, Chokolivskiy Blvd., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03186, e-mail: itelua@kv.ukrtel.net
3M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of NAS of Ukraine, 34, Acad. Palladina Av., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680, e-mail: ecaterinka@ukr.net, ki4412674@gmail.com
4Institute of Geography of NAS of Ukraine, 44, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 01030, e-mail: karmazinenko78@gmail.com

Introduction and problem definition. Most landfills and dumps for the municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal in Ukraine do not have the engineering and geological maintenance. As a result within both the landfills and dumps and in the surrounding areas the soil deposits, surface water, high groundwater zone are undergone the substantial technogenic changes that often leads to the drastic changes of the plant communities. The soil formations are the most important biogenous and abiogenous deposit environment. The key role in physiological, bio- and geochemical processes, which proceed in the soils belongs to the heavy metals (HMs).

Purpose of studies is first of all to determine the maximum values for the different geochemical parameters of soil among all generalized data over the area of the Section «A» of the Kyiv’s Landfill No 5 for MSW disposal and its buffer zone. The next step was the analytical comparison of these parameters with the same characteristics for the background soils, which are inherent in the region, where the Landfill is situated.

Methods. In order to measure the concentrations of the chemical elements in the soil samples such key methods as the atomic emission spectroscopy (AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are used.For planning and carry out the field study, for ecological interpretation of spatial distribution results of geochemical analysis there were used remote sensing data from satellites and the unmanned aerial vehicle.

Results. As a result of the analytical research and result of the previous stages of study it was found the significant contamination of the soil layer by the HMs within the Kyiv’s Landfill area No 5 and the surrounding areas to the north-east and north-west. It was revealed also the negative its effect on the contents of these pollutants in the soil of adjacent buffer zone. This is a result of 34 years of the operation of the MSW disposal facility, when there were operating troubles. So, soil deposits of the Landfill have get the maximum exceed of background contents for cooper, lead, nickel, and tin by from several to ten times, at the same time, beyond its contour – by 2–3 times. The negative changes of physical-chemical properties of soils of the humus horizon is revealed by the comparison with the proper indications for the soil samples collected in the sites adjacent to the Landfill and directly on its territory. The buffer coefficient of soil of this horizon is twice as lower for the technogenic polluted soils within the MSW disposal facility than for the background sites.The contents of mobile forms for the HMs in the soil formations of the Landfill No 5 in the comparison with the background values increase 2 times for cooper and zinc, as well 8 times for lead.

Prospects for the further studies. In order to elucidate the mechanism of pollutant migration in the environment components for the area in question (soils–natural water–vegetation) it needs to carry out their ecological-geochemical sampling over the regular network of land-based sites as well as remote sensing multispectral surveys. The basic necessity is to focus efforts of the specialists on the seasonal assessment of Landfill No 5 impact on the environment conditions as a whole.

Keywords: Landfill, solid waste, heavy metals, soil, geochemical analysis, remote sensing data.


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Receive 07.08.2020