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Geoinformatika 2020; 4(76) : 3-41

УДК 528+550.837+553.98


M.A. Yakymchuk1, I.M. Korchagin2

1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine, e-mail: yakymchuk@gmail.com
2Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Palladin Ave., Kyiv, 03680,Ukraine, e-mail: korchagin.i.n@gmail.com

Purpose. The results of the application of mobile direct-prospecting technology of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation of satellite images and photographs at the sites of hydrogen production, drilling wells for hydrogen, as well as within areas of hydrogen degassing in various regions (Mali, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, England, USA, China, Japan, Greece) are presented. Experimental reconnaissance studies were carried out to study the features of the deep structure of the hydrogen degassing areas.

Design/methodology/approach. The developed mobile and low-cost technology includes modified methods of frequency-resonance processing and decoding of satellite images and photo images, vertical electric-resonance sounding (scanning) of a cross-section, as well as a method of integrated assessment of the prospects of oil and gas potential of large prospecting blocks and license areas. Separate methods of this direct-prospecting technology are based on the principles of the “substance” paradigm of geophysical research, the essence of which is to search for a specific substance — oil, gas, condensate, gold, etc.

Findings. The materials of instrumental measurements indicate that in the regions where basalt volcanoes with roots at different depths are located, signals at hydrogen frequencies are almost always recorded. When scanning the cross-section, responses from hydrogen are recorded from the upper edges of basaltic volcanoes to their roots. It can be assumed that basaltic volcanoes are a kind of channels through which hydrogen migrates to the upper horizons of the cross-section and further into the atmosphere. Within many basaltic volcanoes at a depth of 68 km, deep (living) water is synthesized. Hydrogen-rich wateris curative and can be used for wellness purposes. All surveyed zones of longevity on Earth are located within basalt volcanoes, in which water synthesized at a depth of 68 km migrates to the surface and is used for water supply. Hydrogen deposits can be formed by basaltic volcanoes in adjacent sealed reservoirs. The Mali hydrogen production site is located outside the contour of the basalt volcano; the hydrogen responses were recorded from the marl at well site. Within some survey areas, responses at hydrogen frequencies from limestones, dolomites and marls were recorded at shallow depths. Hydrogen deposits formed near basalt volcanoes in different types of reservoirs can be discovered and localized during areal exploration using proven methods. Direct-prospecting technology can also be used to study reservoirs in crystalline rocks (including basalts). Detailed studies and drilling of wells in promising areas can be planned and carried out for hydrogen and living water at the same time.

The practical significance and conclusions. The materials of the article, as well as the previously published results of experimental work in various regions, indicate the advisability of using direct-prospecting methods of frequency-resonance processing of satellite images and photographs to detect zones of hydrogen accumulation in areas where basalt volcanoes are located, as well as in areas of hydrogen degassing. The use of mobile and low-cost technology will significantly speed up the exploration process for hydrogen, as well as reduce the financial costs for its implementation.

Keywords: hydrogen, basalts, dolomites, marls, living water, abiogenic genesis, volcano, direct searching, deep structure, oil, gas, amber, chemical elements, sounding of the cross-section, remote sensing data processing.


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Receive 03.11.2020