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Geoinformatika 2020; 4(76) : 68-75

УДК 553.982


M.V. Lubkov

Poltava Gravimetric Observatory of Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science, 27/29 Mysoedova Str., Poltava 36014, Ukraine, e-mail: mikhail.lubkov@ukr.net

Purpose. Nowadays, easy available oil reserves are becoming lesser and lesser. Therefore, it’s difficult imagine a modern oil production process without methods of oil recovery increasing in the reservoir. These methods allow maximum volumes getting from the old fields and development of the hard-to-reach oil reservoirs. In the case of high-viscosity oil reservoir heating methods are very effective. The most common methods are injection into the reservoir of hot water with a temperature of several hun-dred degrees, or heated steam. This procedure significantly reduces the viscosity of the oil and in-creases its pore mobility. Such methods with hot water or steam are working effectively at high tem-peratures in relatively homogeneous reservoirs. At the temperatures below 80 °C, a negative effect can be obtained, when the oil viscosity reaches a value necessary for the impregnation of the rock capillar-ies, but insufficient to get out of this rock. Another hand, the methods of oil reservoirs heating with hot water or steam are quite energy-consuming, so it’s important carefully studying of such processes in order to effectively apply the relevant technologies in practice. Nowadays there are methods of physical and computer modeling of the oil reservoir heating, which allow solving of various practical problems. However, the accuracy of these methods remains relatively low and therefore the results are mainly qualitative.

Design/methodology/approach. On the base of combined finite-element-difference method for solv-ing the nonstationary heating conductivity problem, with calculating of heterogeneous distribution of the heating characteristics into oil reservoir and its boundaries, we carried out modeling of heating pro-cesses in hard-to-reach oil reservoirs near heat-injection wells.

Findings. The results of computer modeling show, that processes of the oil reservoirs heating are quite slow and energy consuming, so require a careful studying. Moreover, to increase profitability, we must use by-products, such as associated gas. We also have obtained that less wet reservoirs are better heat-ed. Another hand, it’s clear no sense to heat the oil reservoir more than two weeks, because increasing the radius of the effective heating region (with a temperature exceeding 80° C, which is required for high-viscosity oil releasing from the rock) in this case is not essential. We can make some general con-clusions. The procedure of reservoir’s heat injection is more profitable with the well’s system close interactions. At that case the effective heating area of the oil reservoir and, accordingly, the number of production wells will be the largest. Another hand, the main factor in the location of heat-injection wells is the special characteristics of the oil-bearing section of the reservoir in each practical case.

The practical significance and conclusions. One can use obtained quantitative results for practical heating of the oil reservoirs with a purpose optimizing of oil production activity in the hard-to-reach oil reservoirs. In further it is interesting to use presented method for more detailed investigation of the hard-to-reach oil reservoirs heterogeneous deposits.

Keywords: computer modeling, heating processes, hard-to-reach oil reservoirs.


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Receive 26.11.2020