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Geoinformatika 2015; 4(56) : 65-74 (in Russian)


Yu.I. Dubovenko

Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 32 Palladin Ave., Kyiv 03680, Ukraine,
e-mail: nemishayeve@ukr.net

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to design gravity surveys database requirements as to adequacy and precision of the software for processing and interpretation of gravity data; to state requirements adequate to modern geophysical practice as to optimal precision of interpretation means of potential fields data; to point out the necessity of reinterpreting archived data to create a unified digital framework for geophysical databases; to stress the importance of creating high-speed solutions for map digitization and creation of digital databases on modern OS platforms.
Design/methodology/approach. A series of separate branches are generalized, justifying the creation of a new methodology for gravity (and other) databases for the territory of Ukraine.
Findings. In particular, we suggest the following enhancements: as a database engine, the use of a PostgreSQL management system; as a method of paper map digitizing, the use of a modified A. Yakimchik technique (where an input for digitizing is not contour maps but the measurements log (map of the observation points converted into a digital grid map of gravity anomalies); the technique is updated by open-source analogues of the given proprietary software; as a new standard of gravity data preprocessing, the use of an adapted technique of S. Bychkov to calculate the layer curvature, relief contribution and indirect effects; to calculate gravity corrections for the spherical layer impact and other effects on the territory of Ukraine, specific parameters are to be used).
Practical value/implications. We suggest adding maps of absolute values of the gravity field to standard set of maps for interpretation. For this reason, we recommend to change the Instructions on gravity surveys of 1980. To ensure database universality one should combine in a single interface of the thematic portal for public access not only gravity data but also complementary data on research areas. For this purpose we suggest changing not the secrecy bar on gravity data, but the concept of intellectual property itself: to replace the competition within the access to measurements data with the competition of the results of data interpretation.

Keywords: gravimetry, databases, maps digitizing, reinterpretation of archive data, catalogue of gravity stations, absolute values of gravity, new standard.

The full text of papers 


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