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Geoinformatika 2016; 2(58) : 24-37 (in Ukrainian)


A.V. Khtema1, V.M. Khtema

1Limited Liability Company “Prom-energy product”, 5 Dimitrova Str., Kyiv 03150, Ukraine,
e-mail: anna.khtema@gmail.com

The purpose of the paper is to give a detailed study of a deposit-type anomaly and hydrodynamic trap of the recycling type using a geo-information robot; to formalize, mathematize and automatize the stratigraphic data generation process.
Design/methodology/approach. The method used is physical and geological well log interpretation, structural and numerical modeling, and creation of geoinformation digital technology based on it. This technology is based on exponential model of the Earth formation process applying time arrow.
Findings. Based on the theoretical physics and astronomical observation data, we created a cosmophysical model of the evolutionary growth process of objects in the planetary system. By applying this cosmophysical model, a datum geochronograph was designed.
Practical value/implications. Evidence on unobservable and non-measurable time characteristics of the Earth’s interior unknown before was obtained in an automated way. This information can extend the theoretical and practical possibilities of stratigraphy by quantitative measurement of time. It is expected that the obtained geoinformation will help to raise the level of general geological understanding.

Keywords: geochronology (time determination), geochronograph, gravitation, stratigraphy, time.

The full text of papers

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