Geoinformatika 2016; 4(60) : 29-38 (in Russian)
O.O. Verpakhovska, N.V. Pylypenko, O.V. Pylypenko
1Institute of Geophysics, National Academy of Science of Ukraine, 32, Palladin Ave., Kiev, 03680, Ukraine, e-mail:,,
The purpose of the paper is to develop a three-dimensional post stack finite-difference migration with parallelization of computing process to process 3D seismic observations on a separate computer, taking into account the ever-increasing requirements for detailed results and the complexity of the structure of the study area. The effectiveness of the developed version of the post stack finite-difference migration is proved with practical examples, in particular, for the structure of medium complicated by the presence of the salt body.
Design/methodology/approach. Algorithm of a three-dimensional post stack migration is based on reverse full-wave field continuation in the medium that is carried out by solving the differential wave equation using a finite difference method. In this case the differential wave equation is approximated by the difference one in the four-dimensional space-time grid. In this approach, the coordinate system is converted according to the seismic wave propagation from the depths to the surface, ensuring optimal finite-difference wave field continuation. Parallelization of computations process is on time slices which are defined with a queue. The calculation of the previous slice is stored in the intermediate memory cube. In parallelizing we used library pthread, which is present in all modern versions of the Linux system and allows you to control the execution of the task in the separation calculations on several processors. The software was developed according to the proposed algorithm of a three-dimensional post stack finite-difference migration with parallelization of the computing process for processing.
Findings. The developed three-dimensional post stack full-wave finite-difference migration with parallelization of computing process for processing has been tested in a model and real mode. The obtained results confirm the applicability of the developed method of migration in studding the geological environment of deep structure with different degrees of complexity. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this method we compared the results obtained with those obtained using standard software migration system ProMAX and the developed program with parallelization of computing process on the cluster, developed at the Institute of Geophysics. The comparison of the results allows us to emphasize a general similarity of the results and the difference in some of the particular parts of the image (larger extension of reflecting horizons in the direction of the salt body as a result of applying the proposed variant of post stack full-wave finite-difference migration), which may be attributed to a more accurate migration transformation in the developed program.
Practical value/implications. The developed version of a three-dimensional post stack full-wave finite-difference migration with parallelization of computing process allows on to carry out high-quality processing of large volumes of spatial seismic data in a short time, which depend on the number of processors in the cluster. The results of the testing of developed programs as in model and real data areal seismic survey, prove accuracy and efficiency even in the structure of the medium complicated by the presence of salt body, which is important for oil and gas companies, exploration activities.
Keywords: seismic survey, seismic wave propagation, wave field, modeling, full-wave field continuation, finite-difference method, three-dimensional post stack migration, space-time grid, computer technology, algorithm, cluster, data processing, parallelization of computing process.
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