Geoinformatika 2016; 4(60) : 39-48 (in Russian)
V. Zatserkovnyi, V. Khalimendik
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 90, Vasylkivska Str., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine, e-mail:
The purpose of the paper is to development a software algorithm for dialog applications, integrated into the “GeoPoisk” to calculate neutron logging environment corrections. This urgent problem could be solved using “GeoPoisk” which has a tool for this task. However, the computational algorithms of this tool are integrated into complex formulas of a “GeoC” – software code. It is necessary to visualize the calculation process to simplify the work.
Design/methodology/approach. The work was divided into five stages. The first stage was to analyze files of a “GeoC” software code that compute corrections for various methods and instruments. The result of the analysis was the decision to split the formula into separate files (one file – one correction formula) and sort them hierarchically in directories (Method – Hardware – Correction). On the second stage we developed a system of storing information to compute. The system consists of arrays, alternatingly nested in the main array, of objects different classes: Method – Hardware – Function. The latter consists of two arrays of objects of Crv and Param classes. The classes have properties to store necessary information. The algorithm is implemented in the C ++ language. The third stage was used to create the MFC dialog with the controllers. An algorithm was developed to fill controllers with the data from the main array. The fourth step was to write a code to handle the events of the user interaction with controllers. In the last stage, clicking on the run button was realized. This action runs an algorithm that alternately parses a user-selected formula and replaces in it the names of those curves that do not match the names defined in the dialog by the user.
Findings. As a result of the execution of all the stages a software dialogue has been created, integrated in the “GeoPoisk”. It permits to implement settings to calculate the environment corrections of porosity based on neutron logging data.
Practical value/implications. The dialogue substantially simplifies the users, work. It enables users of the software package “Geopoisk” to perform processing of neutron logging, without being familiar with the programming language “GeoC”.
Keywords: neutron logging, porosity factor, environment corrections, technology “GeoPoisk”, programming language “GeoC”.
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