Geoinformatika 2016; 4(60) : 49-61 (in Russian)
S.P. Levashov1,2, N.A. Yakymchuk1,2, I.N. Korchagin3, D.N. Bozhezha2
1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine
2Management and Marketing Center of the Institute of Geological Science, NAS of Ukraine, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine
3Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, 32, Palladin Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine, e-mail:
The purpose of the paper is to study the features of electromagnetic radiation on local areas of earthquake epicenter locations based on the results of remote sensing data (satellite images) processing and decoding in various regions of the world: in the Republic of Kazakhstan, Japan, Ukraine and Italy; to research and analyses the changes in time of the radiation parameters (frequency and spatial characteristics); to develop methodological principles of the anomalous zones of high-frequency electromagnetic radiation detection and localization.
Design/methodology/approach. An original method of satellite images frequency-resonance processing was used for experimental studies. This mobile method is based on the principles of “substance” paradigm of Geophysical Research and has been actively applied during many years for the accumulations of ore and petroleum minerals prospecting and exploration and study of geological and tectonic processes. The method is based on the registration of anomalous responses to the resonance frequencies of each specific object (substance). The anomalous responses registration within the surveyed sites was carried out in the frequency range of 20–1350 MHz.
Findings. At the site of an earthquake epicenter located in the area of Tengiz field (Kazakhstan), an anomaly of high-frequency radiation in the range from 215 MHz to 1300 MHz was identified and mapped. The central point in the anomaly contour of 1300 MHz is offset from the earthquake epicenter up to 650 m. In the anomaly center, a relatively small anomalous zone of the “gas” type was discovered and delineated on the resonance frequencies of gas. The fluid pressure in reservoirs was assessed at 45.0–50.0 MPa within this anomalous zone. The character of formation, increase and disappearance of the high-frequency anomalous zone in the area of the earthquake epicenter of 11.03.2011 on the Japanese shelf were traced in the time interval from “24 months before” and up to “5 years after” the earthquake. For the 112 and 6 days before the earthquake, the anomalous responses at resonant frequencies of hydrogen and helium were fixed in the central zone. The vertical channels of deep fluids migration may be located in this part of the area. On the site of the earthquake in the area of Mariupol (Ukraine) the parameters of electromagnetic radiation were monitored in the range from “3 years before” to “21 days after” the earthquake. The anomaly with maximum values over 1300 MHz was detected and mapped about 4.5 km in the south-east direction from the epicenter calculated by seismic data. In the south-western part of the surveyed area, another small anomaly with a maximum frequency of 70 MHz was found. It can be considered as an area of the “future” earthquake formation. As a result of the image processing of the epicenter area of about “a year before” the 24.08.2016 earthquake in Italy we detected an anomalous zone with a maximum frequency in excess of 80 MHz.
Practical significance and conclusions. Further experiments in this direction will permit, on the areas of earthquake epicenters location, in sufficient detail to track and study along the time the features of origin, increase and disappearance of the anomalous zones of high-frequency radiation. The results of these detailed works may be used in monitoring for the zones (epicenters) of “future” earthquakes. Operative processing of satellite images of earthquake-prone areas makes it possible to identify and map anomalous zones of high-frequency radiation. Monitoring for the detected anomalies can be implemented, by means of ground-based measurements, among others. Based on the results of the research, we would clearly and convincingly advocate for a more active and purposeful use of remote sensing data in operative solving of exploration, environmental and monitoring problems. At present, there is a considerable amount of accumulated remote sensing data (satellite images). A significant number of these data are in the public domain.
Keywords: frequency-resonance method, epicenter of the earthquake, precursor, satellite data, mobile technology, RS data processing, interpretation, high-frequency radiation zone.
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