Geoinformatika 2016; 4(60) : 62-74 (in Ukrainian)
P.I. Pigulevskiy1,2, V.K. Svystun1, O.S. Kyryliuk3
1Dnepropetrovsk geophysical expedition “Dneprogeofizika” SGE “Ukrgeofizika”, 1, Geophysical Str., Dnepropetrovsk, 49057, Ukraine, e-mail:
2Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, 32, Palladin Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine, e-mail:
3Institute for Nature Management Problems and Ecology, NAS of Ukraine, 6, Moscovskaya Str., Dnepropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine, e-mail:
The purpose of the paper is to conduct geophysical surveys to study engineering-geological conditions of the south-western part of Kryvbas in solving ecological safety problems.
Method. Analysis of the available petrophysical, engineering and hydrogeological information of the sedimentary cover rocks of the south-western part of Kryvbas. Selection of optimal parameters for the vertical electrical sounding (VES). Implementation of field research with the VES method of the natural electric field; and of the method of qualitative and quantitative interpretation to determine the changes of geoelectric parameters of the rock mass, associated with the space-time changes in the hydrogeological conditions of the geological environment of the four-year period from 2008 till 2012.
Results. We have done geological and geophysical sections based on the results of qualitative and quantitative interpretation of VES of natural electric field, which provid additional information about the structure and parameters of the aquifer system of the Neogene-Quaternary sediments. Based on these materials, together with the results of the previous studies, we have obtained, maps which clarify and specify the features of the hydrogeological condition of the studied area in three-dimensional performance, and for a four-year period from 2008 till 2012. In determining groundwater levels from the first surface of the aquifer according to VES, NEF and dowsing we identified filtration flows and their distribution over the area, as well as intensity and direction. The reliability of the geophysical investigations was proved by definition drilling, the information from the restricted network of the wells, and water level measurements in the wells.
The practical significance and conclusions. The suggested technology of research allows quick detection and mapping of the zones of flooding by geoelectrical methods for a complex study of the effect of the techno sphere on the geological environment of Kryvbas in solving problems of ecological safety.
Keywords: Krivoy Rog basin, electrical properties, flooding, vertical electrical sounding (VES), natural electric field.
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