Geoinformatika 2016; 4(60) : 75-82 (in Ukrainian)
К. Bondar1, Т. Bobrovskyi2, І.Tsiupa1
1ESI “Institute of geology” National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv, 90, Vasylkivska Str., Kyiv, 03022, Ukraine, e-mail:,
2The National Conservation Area of “St. Sophia of Kyiv”, 24, Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine, e-mail:
Purpose and methodology. The study is aimed at evaluating ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey, employing 300 MHz antenna equipment as a tool for detection of old foundations and cave constructions on the territory of the National Conservation Area of “St. Sophia of Kyiv”. Field measurements were carried out on two polygons previously studied with archaeological excavations.
Findings. The remains of the old foundations of annex from XI-XII cent. built to adjoin the main church building from XI cent. are clearly detected on GPR images measured on polygon near Zaborovski gate. We registered the feedback not only from the top edge of the foundations, but also from their base. In some cases, the foundation of the XI cent. church in the foundation trench is also visible. The conservation backfilling of foundations made of sand, soil and clay in the nine months before measurements forms legible anomalous features. The existing old cave constructions could not be recognized from 300 MHz GPR images as they lie in the depth range of 2,5-5 m. Such a depth could not be reached due to a signal attenuation effect in wet loess.
Practical value/implications. We can conclude that GPR survey with 300 MHz equipment can be applied to detect old foundations lying not deeper than 2 m. Searching for cave constructions should be done at a lower frequency.
Keywords: GPR, archaeological object, foundation, cave construction, loess.
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