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Geoinformatika 2017; 3(63) : 67-74  (in Ukrainian)


L.V. Gebrin-Baydi

National Aviation University, 1, Kosmonavta Komarova Ave., Kiev, 03058, Ukraine, e-mail: liliya.gebrinbaydi@gmail.com

Purpose. The aim of the research is to identify and evaluate the quantitative soil fertility indicators, based on the on-ground and satellite research of the agricultural lands of different landscape zones in Zakarpattia.
Design/methodology/approach. The proposed methodology is founded on the usage of linear mathematical regression dependence of the actual humus level in the soil indicator and spectral energetic brightness of pixels of multi-spectral space images. New models were built which correlate the humus level on brightness of channels and spectral indices of visible and infrared spectrum of electromagnetic emission, ratios of correlation were identified, confidence intervals and mean square deviation of the calculated humus level in soil indicator from the actual humus level indicator.
Findings. In establishing statistical linear relation of the spectral brightness of pixels on the sections under study and the relevant humus level indicators, it was found out that there is the tightest reverse linear dependence in the red spectral channel of the visible spectrum. To improve the methodology of identifying quantitative indicators of humus level in soil based on the data of spectrophotometric analysis of landscape zones, we propose new models of dependence of humus level on brightness channels and spectral indicators of visible and infrared electromagnetic spectrum.
Practical value/implications. We have tested 13 different new models of the dependence of the humus level on bright­ness channels and spectral indicators. It was revealed that the most efficient way in determining quantitative indica­tors of the humus level in soil, based on the data of satellite and on-the-ground observations, is to use the power dependence of brightness in different spectral ranges (Blue, Green, Red, NIR, SWIR1, SWIR2), since the mean square deviation of the calculated humus level indicator from the actual humus level indicator in the given model is minimal and equals 0,52. This approach allows us to obtain operational and reliable information on the quantitative indicator of the humus level in soil for rational managerial decision-making aimed at applying agrotechnical measures to prevent soil fertility decrease in landscape zones in Zakarpattia.

Keywords: aerospace methods, remote sensing of the Earth, spectral characteristics, multispectral images, soils, humus content, correlation, linear dependence.

The full text of papers will be available after 01/04/2019


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