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Geoinformatika 2014; 3(51) : 21-32  (in Russian)


S.P. Levashov1,2, N.A. Yakymchuk1,2, I.N. Korchagin3, D.N. Bozhezha2

1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, Laboratorny lane, 1, Kyiv 01133, Ukraine
2Management and Marketing Center of Institute of Geological Science NAS Ukraine, Laboratorny lane, 1, Kyiv 01133, Ukraine
3Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science, Palladin av., 32, Kiev 03680, Ukraine, e-mail: korchagin@karbon.com.ua

Discussed in the paper are the results of the hydrocarbon (HC) potential assessment of some structures and fields in the Barents Sea by the frequency-resonance method of the remote sensing (RS) data processing and interpretation. Seven anomalies of the “oil and gas deposits” type have been discovered and mapped in the Norwegian shelf on the area of Skrugard and Havis fields’ location. The mapped large anomalous zone of the “gas reservoir” and “gas-condensate reservoir” type on the unique Shtokman field allows us to conclude that giant and unique HC deposits in the Arctic region can be detected and mapped by the mobile method. The absence of an anomalous zone over Central structure on the Fedynsky high and the relatively small anomalous zone over Pakhtusovskaya structure indicate that the probability of finding giant fields within these structures is very low. Consequently, the detailed geological-geophysical studies and drilling within these structures at this stage of prospecting are impractical due to the fact that at such a distance from the coast it is now economically feasible to develop only the giant and unique HC deposits. Seven anomalous zones of the “gas+condensate” type have also been mapped within the area of the large Varnekskoye uplift. In the Norwegian part of the former “gray” zone of the Barents Sea the remote sensing data were processed within four search sites covering 39 742 km2. The area of 3D seismic work within them is 13 956 km2. Two anomalous zones of the “gas deposit” type and 13 anomalous zones of the “gas+condensate reservoir” type with the total area of 1613 km2 have been detected and mapped within the investigated areas. The results obtained prove feasible the integrated application of remote sensing, seismic and geoelectric methods for hydrocarbon accumulations prospecting and exploration within offshore. The mobile technology of frequency-resonance processing of RS data provides a unique opportunity to operatively investigate by reconnaissance  the most promising areas within the Arctic region for detection of giant and unique HC fields. This may significantly speed up the development of the oil and gas potential of the Arctic region.

Keywords:  remote sensing data processing, interpretation, Barents Sea, anomaly of “deposit” type, gas, oil, condensate,  reservoir pressure, searching area, hydrocarbon field.



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