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Geoinformatika 2014; 3(51) : 33-39  (in Russian)


І.І. Mihalchenko

Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation, NAS of Ukraine, Palladin av., 34, Kyiv03680, Ukraine, е-mail: alcoldan@i.ua

The aim of the investigation is to ascertain the position of the uraniferous sodium metasomatites of the Novokonstantinovka ore field relative to the areas of broken correlation density and magnetic susceptibility of the rocks of the crystalline foundation, the Central-Ukrainian uranium ore-bearing district, the Ukrainian Shield. The investigation is based on the data from previous geological observations, creation of geoinformation  geological map and statistical “boxs”, geocoding spots of pair value of petrophysical properties, estimation of the pair correlation coefficient within statistical “boxs” limits, geocoding these values, and creation of an isoline map of the studied parameter distribution. The study reveals that the uraniferous sodium metasomatites of the ore deposit of the Novoknstantinovka ore field are situated in the areas of the positive low value (0 … +0,2) estimation of the pair correlation coefficient. An independent method has confirmed that the оre deposits of the Novokonstantinovka ore field are situated in the crossing zone of the north-western, north-eastern and submeridional extention faults. Included in petrophysics exploration the method of the metasomatic mapping permits to specify the areas of detailed research.

Keywords: uranium, sodium metasomatites, statistical relation, density, magnetic susceptibility, ore deposit, Novokonstantinovka ore field.



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