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Geoinformatika 2014; 1(49) : 5-18 (in Russian)


S.P. Levashov1,2, N.A.  Yakymchuk1,2, I.N. Korchagin3, D.N. Bozhezha2, I.S. Pydlysna4

1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, Laboratorny lane, 1, Kyiv 01133, Ukraine
2Management and Marketing Center of Institute of Geological Science NAS Ukraine, Laboratorny lane, 1, Kyiv 01133, Ukraine
3Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science, Palladin av., 32, Kiev 03680, Ukraine, e-mail: korchagin@karbon.com.ua
4Kiev National University of Taras Shevchenko,Vasilkovskaya St, 90, Kiev 03022, Ukraine

Results of an experimental application of mobile method remote sensing (RS) data processing and interpretation for hydrocarbons (HC) accumulations prospecting in the area of the Bazhen Formation sediment spreading within the license block (LB) in Western Siberia are given. Six anomalies of the “oil reservoir” type were found on surveyed area, within which the regions with high values of reservoir pressure in the reservoirs were mapped. This is a new (additional) and, most importantly, independent information about the potential areas of “light oil” accumulations location within the LB. Unlike seismic and other geophysical data, these data can be classified as “direct indication of the oil-bearing”. This information can be used for detecting areas of detailed prospecting, as well as to select the optimal locations for the exploration and production wells laying. In general, the results of research graphically demonstrate the potential of the remote sensing data processing method when the reconnaissance survey conducting in a short time within large (and difficult of access) oil and gas bearing areas. Application of this technology could have a significant effect during the hydrocarbon accumulations prospecting in unconventional reservoirs (the areas of the Bazhen Formation sediments spreading, including). It is also worthy to use the mobile technologies in poorly studied areas and blocks within the known oil- and gas-bearing basins. An operative assessment of the most promising oil and gas bearing areas in difficult of access and remote regions of Western and Eastern Siberia can be carried out with the technology of frequency-resonance processing and decoding of remote sensing data using.

Keywords:  remote sensing data processing, interpretation, Bazhen Formation, anomaly of “oil reservoir” type, gas, oil, reservoir pressure, license area, hydrocarbon field .





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