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Geoinformatika 2019; 2(70) : 5-18

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N.A. Yakymchuk1, I.N. Korchagin2

1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, prov. Laboratory, 1, Kiev, 01133
2Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: korchagin.i.n@gmail.com

Purpose. The results of experimental studies using mobile methods of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation
of satellite images and photographs on the Ukrainian shield with the aim of studying the deep structure of this tectonic structure and searching for possible hydrocarbon deposits are presented. The experiments were also aimed at the development of methodological techniques for the use of mobile direct-prospecting methods when conducting geological and geophysical studies on oil and gas within crystalline shields and massifs, as well as in the basements of sedimentary basins.

Design/methodology/approach. Experimental studies were carried out using modified methods of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation of satellite images and photographs, vertical electric-resonance sounding (scanning) of the cross-section, as well as methods of integrated assessment of the prospects for petroleum and ore potential of large exploration blocks and license areas. The used direct-prospecting methods are based on the principles of the «ubstance»paradigm of geophysical research, the essence of which is to search for a specific substance (the one sought in each particular case) —oil, gas, gas condensate, gold, zinc, uranium, etc.

Findings. By the conducted research on the Ukrainian shield the presence of two layers of granites of different ages was established, and the deep channels of vertical migration of fluids, minerals and chemical elements, filled with granite rocks of different ages were detected; the roots of the detected channels were recorded at depths of 470 m and 996 m. Important are the facts of fixation of anomalous responses at the resonant frequencies of oil, condensate, gas and amber in the granite channels in almost the entire upper interval of the cross-section up to 57 m. The same situation was also observed when conducting additional studies on the White Tiger oil field in granites on the Vietnam offshore. Comparison of the surveyed area fragment at the White Tiger field and local areas in the region of the discovered anomalous zone at Ukrainian shield has established a similarity between the geological structure of the field and the discovered anomalous area on the Ukrainian shield. In the intervals of the cross-section between the upper and lower strata of granites, the responses from sedimentary rocks, as well as oil, condensate, gas and amber, were recorded. The facts of the fixation of responses at the frequencies of oil, condensate, gas and amber in the depth interval from the surface to 57 m testify of the deep synthesis of hydrocarbons and amber; responses at the frequencies of hydrogen and carbon are recorded below this boundary. In the areas of visible hydrogen degassing of the Earth, the intense signals are recorded at hydrogen frequencies; in such zones hydrogen can be detected in a cross-section substantially above the level of 57 m, the shallow depths including. Within these areas, the presence of deep channels filled with basalts has been established.

The practical significance and conclusions. The detected interval of the cross-section between two strata of granites on the Ukrainian shield deserves detailed study in order to detect and localize possible hydrocarbon accumulations of industrial volumes. Local areas and large blocks of basalt rocks development can be considered as high priority when conducting exploration for hydrogen. Amber mining sites in various regions may be promising to detect possible accumulations of oil, condensate and gas in the cross-section. The results of the research indicate the feasibility of applying the methods of frequency-resonance processing and interpretation of satellite images and photographs for the operational survey of areas and blocks that are considered unpromising from the standpoint of the biogenic origin of hydrocarbons. The use of super-mobile methods at the initial stages of prospecting and exploration will accelerate the
long process of developing the resource potential of hydrocarbons in unexplored and poorly studied regions.

Keywords: Ukrainian shield, direct prospecting, degassing, vertical channel, deep structure, cross-section, oil, gas, hydrogen, amber, satellite data, mobile technology, anomaly, remote sensing data processing, interpretation, vertical sounding.

The full text of papers


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Received 12/05/2019