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Geoinformatika 2018; 4(68) : 5-28

УДК 528+550.837+553.98


S.P. Levashov1,2, N.A. Yakymchuk1,2, I.N. Korchagin3, G.M. Drogitskaya3

1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine
2Management and Marketing Center of the Institute of Geological Science, NAS of Ukraine, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine
3Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine, 32, Palladin Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine, e-mail: korchagin.i.n@gmail.com

Purpose. The paper is aimed at giving additional demonstration of the advisability of mobile and direct-prospecting methods used while searching for uranium deposits, kimberlite pipes and diamonds, as well as accumulations of hydrocarbons in crystalline rocks. The authors also present the analysis of the results of experimental studies carried out using mobile methods within the search blocks (areas) and the known ore deposits in various regions of the globe.
Design /methodology /approach. Direct-prospecting and mobile technology are used, including a frequency-resonance method of remote sensing data processing and interpretation (decoding), as well as geoelectric methods of forming a short-pulsed electromagnetic field (SKIP) and vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS). Separate components of the technology are “direct” methods of searching for oil and gas, as well as ore minerals. They are developed on the basis of the “substance” paradigm of geophysical research, the essence of which is to search for a specific (sought in each case) substance – oil, gas, gas condensate, gold, zinc, uranium, etc. The technology in general, as well as its separate methods, have been tested on the search areas and known ore deposits in various regions of the world and are constantly being improved.
Findings. Experimental investigation to study the possibility of direct-prospecting methods used in searching and mapping uranium mineralization zones and kimberlite pipes were carried out during the execution of detailed search operations for gas and gas condensate within two local sites on the Ukrainian Shield. According to the SKIP survey data, three geoelectric anomalous zones have been identified within the Novokonstantinovskaya fault zone, which may be caused by clusters of gas and gas condensate in zones of granitoids crushing. A local anomaly of the “zone of uranium mineralization” type has also been mapped by the SKIP survey. The depths of occurrence and thickness of ore bodies at the individual points of the anomaly are determined by the VERS sounding. Within the search area in the south of the Kiev region, an anomaly of a “gas deposit” type with an area of ​​34.6 km2 was found. According to VERS sounding, the approximate estimation of the gas resources in the contour of the anomaly is 3.33 billion m3. Based on the results of remote sensing data processing of a larger fragment of the territory, five anomalous zones of the “uranium deposit” type and four anomalies of “kimberlite” type have been discovered in this region. The results of additional testing of the frequency-resonance method of satellite images processing at a known uranium deposit in the Republic of Kazakhstan, on three large search blocks in Mongolia, as well as on the known kimberlite pipes in Yakutia (Russia) and the Kingdom of Lesotho are also presented.
The practical significance and conclusions. The experimental studies have shown that: a) mobile geoelectric methods of SKIP and VERS can find wide application for operative searches and mapping of ore objects of various mineralization (uranium-bearing rocks including); b) the frequency-resonance method of remote sensing data processing and interpretation is expedient in conducting, in a short period of time, a reconnaissance survey of large areas and hard-to-reach ore-bearing regions and oil and gas areas; c) the use of mobile and direct-prospecting methods (frequency-resonance technology of satellite images processing and ground-based geoelectric methods of SKIP and VERS) in solving a wide class of problems of ore geophysics can facilitate the acceleration of the prospecting process for ore minerals of various types; d) the prospective objects discovered and mapped in the area of ​​the detailed survey site in the south of the Kiev region deserve detailed study in order to search for industrial deposits of uranium ore and kimberlite rocks.


Keywords: Ukrainian shield, geoelectric survey, electric-resonance sounding, reservoir anomaly, gas, gas condensate, uranium, fault zone, crystalline massif, satellite data, technology, direct searches, processing, interpretation.


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