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Geoinformatika 2019; 1(69) : 5-27

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N.A. Yakymchuk1, I.N. Korchagin2, V.G. Bakhmutov2, V.D. Solovjev2

1 Management and Marketing Center of the Institute of Geological Science, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, yakymchuk@gmail.com
2Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science, Kyiv, Ukraine, korchagin.i.n@gmail.com

Purpose. Carrying out geophysical research in the Ukrainian Maritime Antarctic Expedition of 2008 from the «More Sodruzhestva» vessel on the route Cape Town port (South Africa) — Falkland Islands — King George Island, as well as on the polygon in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula. The studies were performed using mobile and direct-prospecting geophysical methods and were aimed at studying the deep structure of the oceanic lithosphere along the vessel route and detecting possible accumulations of hydrocarbons and other minerals. The approbation of methodological principles of the direct-prospecting geophysical methods and technologies using during the search for hydrocarbon accumula­tions was carried out in expedition. A significant amount of experimental work was carried out in preparation for the expedition and after its completion.
Design/methodology/approach. The used mobile technology include modified methods of frequency-resonance pro­cessing and decoding of satellite images and photographs, vertical electric-resonance sounding (scanning) of the cross-section, as well as instrumental complex for measuring the intensity of the natural electric field of the Earth with fluxmeters. Separate methods of technology are based on the principles of the «substance» paradigm of geophysical research, the essence of which is to search for a specific (the one sought in each particular case) substance — oil, gas, gas condensate, gold, zinc, uranium, etc. At various stages of research in the marine expedition, the technology of integrated assessment of oil and gas prospects and ore potential of large exploration blocks and license areas was purposefully used.
Findings. In the southern Atlantic and in the region of the Antarctic Peninsula, a significant number of sites that are promising for the hydrocarbons searching have been discovered and new evidence has been obtained in favor of their deep (abiogenic) origin. In the study areas (including in the Western Antarctic) the vertical channels for the migration of deep fluids and minerals have been revealed by vertical sounding of the cross-section, the widespread presence of salt layers of various thicknesses, as well as the melting zone (liquid state) of rocks in the depth interval 194—225 km were established. The deep structure of several known kimberlite pipes has been studied. The materials obtained show that in the Antarctic region a significant role in the formation of its geological and tectonic structure belongs to volcanic activity. The results of research at the sites for the extraction of amber can be considered as such, which testifies in favor of the deep (abiogenic) synthesis of this mineral.
The practical significance and conclusions. A large amount of materials was received in the expedition, further analy­sis and synthesis of which will accelerate and optimize prospecting process for various types of minerals, as well as deepen our understanding of the geological and tectonic structure of the Earth and the formation of mineral deposits.
The tested mobile technology of frequency-resonance processing of remote sensing data (satellite images) and photo images is recommended for use on the territory of Ukraine for the purpose of a preliminary assessment of the oil and gas potential of poorly studied and unexplored search blocks and local areas. The use of this technology can have a significant effect when searching for industrial accumulations of hydrocarbons in unconventional reservoirs (including the areas of shale spreading, coal-bearing formations, and crystalline rocks). Mobile technology can also be success­fully used during studies of poorly studied areas and blocks within known oil and gas fields, as well as for the operative detection and mapping of large concentrations of hydrogen in areas of intensive hydrogen degassing.

Keywords: Antarctic, Atlantic Ocean, vertical channel, volcano, deep structure, cross-section, oil, gas, hydrogen, amber, electric field, well, satellite data, direct prospecting, mobile technology, anomaly, remote sensing data pro­cessing, interpretation.


The full text of papers



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Received 14/02/2019