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Geoinformatika 2019; 4(72) : 19-29

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M.A. Yakymchuk1, I.M. Korchagin2

1Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry, 1, Laboratorny Lane, Kyiv, 01133, Ukraine, e-mail: yakymchuk@gmail.com
2Institute of Geophysics of Ukraine National Academy of Science, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: korchagin.i.n@gmail.com

Purpose. The results of the mobile direct-prospecting methods using for additional experimental studies with the aim of assessing the prospects of oil and gas in certain areas on onshore and offshore of South Africa are presented. Reconnaissance studies were carried out on two large blocks located to the south and west (offshore) from the port of Cape Town. For comparison purposes, a block on the Mauritania offshore and two blocks on the Brazil offshore were additionally examined.

Design/methodology/approach. The mobile and low-cost technology includes modified methods of frequency-resonance processing and decoding of satellite images and photo images, vertical electric-resonance sounding (scanning) of a cross-section, as well as a method of integrated assessment of the prospects of oil and gas potential of large prospecting blocks and license areas. Separate methods of this direct-prospecting technology are based on the principles of the «substance» paradigm of geophysical research, the essence of which is to search for a specific substance – oil, gas, gas condensate, gold, zinc, etc.

Findings. Industrial deposits of oil and gas, diamondiferous kimberlite pipes, and also reservoirs of hydrogen enriched water in basalt volcanoes can be found within the survey area south of Cape Town. Locations of oil and gas prospective objects, diamond-bearing pipes and aquifers can be mapped and localized during areal processing of satellite images and photo images of the research area. Additional studies confirmed the oil and gas potential of a large anomalous zone, mapped according to measurements of the vertical component of the Earth’s natural electric field from the ship in November 2018. A volcano was also discovered in this area, within which signals from hydrocarbons were recorded. Responses at the resonant frequencies of oil, condensate and gas were recorded in the local area of the drilled production well Orca-1 on the offshore of Mauritania. A hydrocarbon-promising area was discovered additionally
in the region of this well. Signals from oil, condensate, gas, amber, oil shale, gas hydrates, ice, coal, anthracite and potassium-magnesium salt were recorded in the area of the famous Búzios oil field and in the area of the uplift chain on the Brazilian offshore.

The practical significance and conclusions. The materials of reconnaissance studies within the three quite distant from each other regions of the Atlantic Ocean give reason to assert the presence of giant hydrocarbon resources in its subsoil. In the surveyed areas, industrial accumulations of oil, gas and condensate can be detected in the deep horizons of the cross-section. Mobile direct-prospecting technology of integrated assessment of the oil and gas prospects of large exploration blocks and local areas can be used for reconnaissance surveys of insufficiently studied areas on onshore and offshore in various regions of the world.

Keywords: South Africa, Atlantic Ocean, Antarctica, vertical channel, volcano, deep structure, cross-section, oil, gas, hydrogen, amber, electric field, well, satellite data, direct prospecting, mobile technology, anomaly, remote sensing data processing, interpretation.

The full text of papers


  1. Levashov S.P., Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. New possibilities for the oil-and-gas prospects operative estimation of exploratory areas, difficult of access and remote territories, license blocks. Geoinformatyka. 2010. N 3. P. 22—43 (in Russian).
  2. Levashov S.P., Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Frequency-resonance principle, mobile geoelectric technology: new paradigm of geophysical investigations. Geofizicheskiy zhurnal. 2012. Vol. 34, N 4. P. 166—176 (in Russian).
  3. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N., Bakhmutov V.G., Solovjev V.D. Geophysical investigation in the Ukrainian marine Antarctic expedition of 2018: mobile measuring equipment, innovative direct-prospecting methods, new results. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 1. P. 5—27 (in Russian).
  4. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Integral estimation of the deep structure of some volcanoes and cymberlite pipes of the Earth. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 1. P. 28—38 (in Russian).
  5. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Ukrainian Shield: new data on depth structure and prospects of oil, gas condensate, gas and hydrogen accumulations detection. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 2. P. 5—18 (in Russian).
  6. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N., Levashov S.P. Direct-prospecting mobile technology: the results of approbation during searching for hydrogen and the channels of migration of deep fluids, mineral substances and chemical elements. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 2. P. 19—42 (in Russian).
  7. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Peculiarities of depth structure and of oil and gas perspectives of Ukrainian shield separate blocks by results of frequency-resonance sounding of cross-section. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 3. P. 5—18 (in Russian).
  8. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Application of mobile frequency-resonance methods of satellite images and photo images processing for hydrogen accumulations searching. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 3. P. 19—28 (in Russian).
  9. Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N. Technology of frequency-resonance processing of remote sensing data: results of practical approbation during mineral searching in various regions of the globe. Part I. Geoinformatyka. 2019. N 3. P. 29—51 (in Russian).
  10. Búzios oil field. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%BAzios_oil_field
  11. Orca-1 Exploration Well Makes Major Gas Discovery Offshore Mauritania. http://investors.kosmosenergy.com/news-releases/news-release-details/orca-1-exploration-well-makes-major-gas-discovery-offshore


Received 11/11/2019