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Geoinformatika 2016; 3(59) : 30-39  (in Russian)  


G.M. Efendiyev1, S.A. Aliyev2, M.D. Sarbopeyeva3, K.K. Aghayeva4, O.G. Kirisenko5

1Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 119 H. Javid Ave., Baku AZ1073, Azerbaijan,
e-mail: galib_2000@yahoo.com
Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 9 B. Vahabzade Str., Baku AZ1141, Azerbaijan,
e-mail: soltanaliyev@yahoo.com
Caspian State University of Technologies and Engineering named after Sh. Yesenov, Aktau, 32 micro district, Mangystau region 130003,
The Republic of Kazakhstan, e-mail: manshyk84@mail.ru
Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 119 H. Javid Ave., Baku AZ1073, Azerbaijan,
e-mail: kamila.agayeva@hotmail.com
Institute of Geology and Geophysics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, 119 H. Javid Ave., Baku AZ1073, Azerbaijan,

The purpose of the paper is to discuss some practical issues regarding the obtaining and usage of complex geological and technological data to assist in decision-making during drilling operations and to suggest methodology and algorithm for bit selection and operational parameters to increase economic viability for specific drilling operations.
Design/methodology/approach. We analyzed the change of mechanical speed with time and effects of operational parameters on diminishing the effect of rock properties by developing a statistical model. We used geological drilling process research along with drill bit operational data from various Azerbaijani and Kazakhstan oil fields. We described an operational parameters optimization algorithm using the data of Karabagly (Azerbaijan) oilfield well, where the following 2 criteria were taken into account: bit run rate and one meter drilling cost.
Practical value/implications. In solving the problems mentioned above, we used statistical models and analysis, random search method and cluster-analysis program. Fuzzy sets concepts were also applied.
Findings. Advanced prediction scheme for drilling operations in real time has been developed based on the obtained models. The suggested prediction algorithm assists in decision-making of optimal drilling parameters which maximize the drilling rate and minimize the cost. Implementation of these models has led to an increase in speed by 51.4, 8.6%, decreasing the cost by $51.42 per meter.

Keywords: geological technical information, swift decision making, drill bits, fuzzy sets, penetration rate, uncertainty, accessories function.

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