Theory and Practice of Optimization of Natural Resources Development
Possibility of Mobile Geophysical Technologies during Methane Accumulations in Coal Basins and other Non-Traditional Fossil Fuels Prospecting and Exploration
(Levashov S.P., Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N.)
Investigation of the Features of Gas Reservoir Occurrence in the Shale by the Remote Complex Equipment «Search»
(Kovalyov N.I., Soldatova S.V., Gokh V.A., Ivashchenko P.N.)
Prediction of Hydrocarbon Phase State at Great Depth in the Precarpathian Flexure
(Маyevskiy B.Y., Khomyn V.R., Manyuk М.Y., Kurovec S.S., Zderka T.V.)
Results of Determining the Specific Density of Natural Solution within a Hydrodynamic Trap of Recycling Type
(Khtema A.V., Khtema V.M.)
Geological-Geophysical and Mathematical Analysis of Lithosphere
Geomechanical Modeling of Deformation Processes in Sedimentary Rock. Estimation of Deflected Mode and its Geological Interpretation
(Polokhov V.M., Dovbnich M.M., Soldatenko V.P., Mendriy Ya.V.)
Geoinformation Aspects of Nature Management
Forecasting of Exogenous Geological Processes. Part 1. Theoretical Backgrounds of Forecasting. Principles of Landslides Activation
(Kuzmenko E.D., Zhuravel O.M., Chepurna T.B., Chepurnyj I.V., Shtogrin L.V.)
Studying of Statistical Characteristics of Extremal Wind Waves on Coastal Zone of the Black Sea According to the Data Presented by State Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine
(Evstigneev V.P., Naumova V.A., Evstigneev M.P.)
Monitoring of Air Pollution According to the Magnetic Susceptibility Measurements of Soils and Vegetation in Kyiv
(Bondar K.M., Virshylo I.V., Stakhiv І.R., Slobodyanyk I.V.)
The Best Local Chapter of EAGE of 2010 is Kyiv LC(D.M.Bozhezha) (Download)
For the 75-th Anniversary of A.G. Shapar (Download)