For the 60th Anniversary of Coresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine M.A. Yakymchuk
Optimization of Natural Resources Development: Theory and Practice
Electric Field and its Role in Life on Earth
(Yakymchuk M.A.)
New Results of Reconnaissance Investigation in the Barents Sea for Hydrocarbon Accumulations Prospecting by Method of Frequency-Resonance Processing of Remote Sensing Data
(Levashov S.P., Yakymchuk N.A., Korchagin I.N., Bozhezha D.N.)
Geologicale-Geofisical and Mathematical Methods and Modern
Computer Technologies for Earth Research
Baltica in the Scheme of Middle Paleotectonic Reconstructions
(Polyachenko E.B., Bakhmutov V.G.)
The Investigation of Chalk Layer Density on the Rivne NPP Industrial Area Territory By Monte Carlo Method Using 3d Models
(Vyzhva Z.A., Demidov V.K., Vyzhva A.S.)
Geoinformation Aspects of Natural Resources Management
The Wind Field Structure above the World Ocean
(Eremeev V.N., Bukatov A.E., Babiy M.V., Bukatov A.A.)
Neural-network Modeling for Problems of Refining the Arrival Times of the First P-Waves and Calculation the Depth of the Earthquake Source
(Kozlovskyy E.M., Malytskyy D.V., Pavlova A.Yu.)
EAGE Local Chapter Kiev (LC Kiev) Again Recognized as the Best
(D.N. Bozhezha)